Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Test Footage from Green Screen Lighting Experiment

I put together some of the edit footage and created a video to show how those experiments in my last post turned out.

Green Screen Lighting Experiments

Minimal Lighting Test 1

Minimal Lighting Test
This test included very little lighting. The idea was to see how bad the quality of the content is when you do not have good lighting. The image is even darker than the original because there is black video behind the image and it is seeking through all the particles in the video, due to bad quality of the lighting. When playing it back, the video has became extremely grainy.

The screen color needs to be as opposite to the persons skin colour and also balanced with light. Otherwise, it isn't going to work. Therefore, the screen needs to be lit so it is a bright green. However, you still need to be careful of over exposing it.

Too Much Lighting/Over Exposure

When taking out the green from the image, you can still see when too much light is hitting the back of the screen. This then becomes difficult to change the screen gain. To make the background you are about to place in look solid, the whole of the background behind the subject should be completely black in the image above. This is becomes a struggles because of the bad lighting.

When I take out more screen gain to reduce the background, the more the subject loses quality.

This is when I would add more screen balance so the subject is not merging into the background. In this image, I am losing too much of the subject and that will create the subject to become slightly transparent causing them to merge into the background.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Surreal Experimentation in After Effects

Experimenting in After Effects with old clips
As part of an experimental process, I have been using Adobe After Effects to manipulate images to look more surreal because this is the type of look I am going for, for my minor project. Basically, what I have done is used a glow to make it look surreal. I want to do further tests and start adding more layers, overlaying other video footage.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Week 1: Minor Project

Monday, 19th September 2016 - Sunday, 25th September 2016

This week I have began putting together my ideas to form a proposal for my minor project. This will be due on the 14th November 2016, As my chosen pathway is editing, I want to develop new skills in visual effects. Experimental ideas so far include:
  • ·         Animation into a realistic environment
  • ·         Green Screening.
  • ·         Split Screening
  • ·         Mapping.
I will be researching on how to do some of these VFX and will gather some footage to test some of these before I do a final piece.

After my session on Friday, I have thought further into what I can do as an experimental piece. As well as partially collaborating alongside another student, I have began thinking about how testing different colour screen when chroma keying a background. Examples: Green, Blue, Orange, Red screens. Then discuss the outcomes and see if it makes any differences. I still also want to add in some cartoon animation into realistic environments. Space Jam is an example of what I could look into.

My current thought process is now, doing a dream state experimental piece. I want to shoot it from a POV perspective as the character is walking. I can add creepy animated models into the sequence as well as allowing me to experiment with different film effects. Experimenting with overexposure and brightness. I want it to be very dream like.