Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Creating the Portal for Break Free

This is not the final design but this is the basic idea of how I came to create the portal for break free.

In the video, you can see a speeded up presentation of using after effects to create a moving portal. I began by creating a solid and adding fractal noise to it. By holding the CTRL button and clicking on the stop watch for the fractal positioning, I can use the (time*NUMBER) to animate movement. Then I use a circular mask and feather the edges. From this point I use a lot off effects like 'twist. ripple and vector displacement'. This just helps to create the shape and movement of the portal. However, this is not the final design. The portal changes constantly.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

FMP: Green Screen Tests (Break Free)

Green Screen Tests for Break Free

Photographed by  Chloe Lowe

These tests were to have a bit of fun and practice with the lighting. The difference between these tests and other that I have done before, is that we have used a green flooring as well, to allow more movement and create a wide shot that can be green screened. This really helps when you want your actor to be walking in a completely make belief world. I was watching a tutorial on YouTube about Matte Painting with people within a scene and gave it ago myself.

I have not posted the final outcome on here and posted them into the hand in folder instead. This was because I used a real claims number at the time but it was not made to be shown further than tests. Therefore, I would rather not post it on this post to be safe.

However, I can explain what I did to get to that stage. I have lost some of the tests I had done with the catwalk but I have placed the original footage in here anyway. I had done this for multiple tests, including the one with an actor jumping through a portal.

Firstly, I masked around the area where the actor moved so their whole body was always in the shot but the lights and other studio surroundings had been cut out.

I then used the key light as I usually do, and played with the setting so that the background was completely gone. Usually to get the best result, I change my view screen to matte black and white. Then I make the whole of the foreground white and background black to separate the image much more clearly.

Then I add in the background and any extra lighting where I think it works best. Followed by any graphics I want to add on.

Here are a couple of original clips. They do contain swearing. However, they did turn on well in the edit suite.

This portal test was done using the same green screen set up as above.